Breakfast: starting the day right for school

Who has never woken up one morning without having the time or the inclination to have breakfast? However, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for athletes. It helps break the fast established the day before and gives us energy to perform physically and mentally.
What is a good breakfast?
Breakfast should meet 25% of the energy and nutrient needs for your day.
It includes foods that are found in at least three food groups (grain products, milk and alternatives, meat and fruit and vegetable substitutes). To support yourself longer, you need to eat foods that are high in fiber, like whole grain bread, and protein, like cheese or eggs. Just click here for breakfast ideas.
I’m not hungry for breakfast!
When you get up in the morning and aren’t hungry, it may be because you overeat before bed or aren’t used to eating breakfast in the morning. So try not to snack for two hours before going to bed. You will have a more restful sleep because your digestive system will be at rest and you will start to feel hungry again when you get up in the morning. There’s also nothing to stop you from bringing foods that you can eat later on the way to school, like a muffin with yogurt and fruit.
What are the benefits of having breakfast?
- better academic performance
- easier to learn
- better concentration
- better physical performance, etc.
In Canada, the banana proudly ranks first among the most consumed fruits. Affordable, delicious, easy to transport and digest, it is an excellent source of carbohydrates to supply your muscles. In addition, a single banana is enough to meet your needs for potassium, a mineral involved in muscle contraction (so it can help prevent painful cramps!) In short, bananas are a top choice food for athletes.
Athlete’s myths
“Even though I eat a good breakfast, I feel dizzy and lack strength during my training!”
This is probably because your breakfast is not suitable for your physical effort. It may be too sweet (honey, jams, maple syrup …) which causes your energy to drop. It may also be too fatty (which slows down your digestion). Try to add protein and fiber to your menu and cut back on fatty foods like bacon. You will regain your strength and energy!